Tuesday, June 25, 2024

12. Silverwing: the graphic novel

By Kenneth Oppel (illustrated by Christopher Steininger)

Since she's been able to read, I've borrowed tons and tons of comics and graphic novels from the Mordecai Richler library for my 11 yo daughter.  Many of them are series, and very occasionally she'll go to me and say, can you get me the next book? as she wants to find out what happens next. 

I've heard of the Silverwing series of books by Kenneth Oppel, but didn't know much about them.  My daughter hadn't read the books yet so when I saw the graphic novel at the library last week, I just signed it out, as I wasn't sure if my daughter would be interested in reading the whole series. Besides, the graphics looked intriguing (like Watership Down, but with bats!) and the illustrations were dope.  

Then last Sunday, as I was helping her out of the bath, she told me, you know that book you got from the library, Silverwing?  It was really good.  I was like oh yeah?  And she launched into a brief summary of the story about this bat colony and how they were at war with the birds, etc. etc.

I told her the graphic novel is actually based on a real book, and there are a whole series of them, but this graphic novel is just the first one, and it came out in 2023.  Would you be interested in reading the actual books?  She goes, sure, I guess.  Which is her way of expressing interest.  So cool!  Now I just have to search out the Silverwing series of books now!  Maybe we'll find some while used book hunting in Vancouver!

And my curiosity was piqued, so I picked up the graphic novel and was able to read it at a leisurely pace in two days.  It was a very exciting adventure story about a runty bug-eating Silverwing bat named Shade who gets separated from his colony while they were migrating south for the winter.  He meets a Brightwing bat named Marina who helps him on his journey to catch up with his colony.  There's background info about the ancient conflict between the owls and the bats, as well as bat lore and legend.  But the main narrative is on Shade and Marina get into various mishaps and misadventures, including getting themselves involved with two scary giant carnivorous jungle bats who turn out to be evil monsters who have no issue eating "lesser" bats.  

The illustrations of the Goth and Throb's bloody goblin-esque faces as they ate their prey and fought with Shade and Marina were really amazing.  And when Shade and Marina saw all the metal bands lining the edge of Goth and Throb's wings - which meant that they must have EATEN all the human-worshipping barn bats!

Although I enjoyed the story immensely, it didn't make me want to seek out the original books to read.  However, I will encourage my daughter to read them so she can explain to me what happens next!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Sunday, June 02, 2024

8. The Main: Portrait of a Neighbourhood

By Edward Hillel

I came across Edward Hilel’s The Main quite by chance, really.  My daughter has known her BFF since daycare. The BFF’s parents are now separated, but they have a circle of friends who regularly hang out at Parc du Bullion, drinking beer and McAdams cider.  They’re comprised of parents from the neighbourhood and/or people who frequented the Parc JM softball games and/or the dep on Duluth and Clark.  
Hubs and I are not super social with them, but we’d sometimes hang out there when the girls are together, and the BFF’s parents would often bring their charcoal grill and host BBQs to celebrate a family member’s birthday.  This last time, we got together for a Sunday Easter egg hunt at the park. 

Long-haired Craig showed up at some point and brought along a hardbound book of black and white photographs with him titled The Main, which immediately piqued my interest, though somehow the book ended up in Olman’s hands.  While he was flipping through the pages, Craig was saying he had just found it on the street - someone was apparently moving or something and left a bunch of stuff on the sidewalk.  The book was in really good condition and Craig seemed very pleased.  What a find!  When I finally got to leaf through the book, I saw that it was a slice-of-life photo document of the Plateau circa the mid 1980s featuring St-Laurent Boulevard aka The Main as the anchor.  How fitting we are all situated in the Plateau!

I mentioned out loud how I love black and white street photography, and how this book reminded me of Robert Frank’s work.  Why hadn’t I heard of this book before?  Craig asked if I’d ever seen a Diane Arbus exhibit, and I was hells, yes, it was in 2003 when the SFMOM held a major retrospective of Arbus’ work.  I remember this well because that was the first time I was visiting my future parent in laws for Christmas and was just getting to know them.  One morning after breakfast, we were in the kitchen discussing what we’d do that day, and it was brought up that we’d all go check out the Diane Arbus Revelations show at the SFMOMA.  I literally gasped out loud.  OMG!  I was a big Arbus fan and have never laid eyes on her original prints before, and there was a major retrospective of her work and my in-laws want to go see it?!  These are my people!

I also mentioned that the Musee des Beaux Arts had a Diane Arbus exhibit recently, but Craig kind of waved it off as it was so small.  He had seen her show in New York several years ago. Anyway, when I got home later that day, I looked up The Main, which seemed to have languished in obscurity and has been long out of print.  On AbeBooks, I found the same hardbound edition in great condition at a Westmount bookstore (that only had an online presence) for $30 USD with $10 shipping.  It arrived about a week later.  I now have my own copy of The Main, which is in slightly better condition than Greg’s.

The Main was a marvellous time capsule of my neighbourhood that doesn’t really exist anymore due to the inevitable societal shifts and gentrification.  The Plateau used to be known as a working-class neighbourhood of immigrants, namely Jewish, Portuguese, and Greek.  Rent was cheap, and due to its central location, the Plateau was also a haven for university students, artists and musicians.  It’s most famous residents were Mordecai Richler and Leonard Cohen. Even back when I first visited the Plateau in the 1990’s there was already some gentrification taking place.  It wasn’t until Ubisoft moved into the Peck Building and the sudden rise of local indie bands like Arcade Fire did the Plateau/Mile End become a “hot” neighbourhood.  

Over the years, many of the original residents have moved on, either to the suburbs or more affordable areas.  The rent and housing prices have driven many artists away.   But there are still traces and fragments here and there.  Portuguese rotisseries and restaurants still abound, and the bagel shops and Jewish establishments like Cheskie’s and Beauty’s remain steadfast institutions.  But it has lost a lot of its original working-class roots and artistic edginess, becoming a well-to-do area that attracts French nationals and affluent professionals.

A couple of summers ago, my daughter had a big yard sale, and these Portuguese ladies came by to chat with me, saying they used to live in our apartment years ago.  They now live in the West Island, but they love to come back to their old neighbourhood to shop (they had just come from le Patisserie Lawrence V.).  Sure, there are still older Jewish, Portuguese and Chinese residents here, but many, like these ladies, have moved to the suburbs over the years.

In any case, I recognized so many familiar locations via Hillel's photos.  This one with the woman sitting by the Virginia Woolf portrait is the alley where I live!  Where that chain link fence used to be is our parking area. 

There was one photo taken from the lobby interior of what was then known as the Peck Building, but the portico entrance looked familiar, and I thought how much it looked like the Ubisoft building.  The text mentioned that the building was located on the corner of St-Laurent Blvd and St-Viateur - so I was right!


There were many great street photos:  one with Charcuterie Hongroise (still going, but for how much  longer?) and Charcuterie Fairmount (RIP).

Berson & Sons Monuments, one of the oldest landmarks on The Main, was replaced by an ugly new condo building about a decade ago.

Author/artist Edward Hillel himself has evolved into a multi-disciplinary artist based in New York now.  While I was googling him, I realized I had missed out on a very cool 2017 exhibit at The Museum of Jewish Montreal right in the Plateau!  It included never-before-seen contact sheets - all the negatives that did and didn't make the cut for the The Main.

The St-Laurent merchants' association commissioned Hillel, now based in New York, to return to the Plateau and create a new series of colour photos documenting the boulevard, 30 years after The Main was published.  Apparently, Hillel was gratified to find some of his old haunts still intact.

Argh!!  If only I had known about this back then!  What a missed opportunity!  

7. My Career Goes Bung

By Miles Franklin