Wednesday, September 14, 2016

5. My Brilliant Friend

By Elena Ferrante

This was a gift from my SIL from the Xmas before last  (she gave copies to both myself and her mom, she loved the books so much).  I'm glad she did because I don't think I would've caught on to Ferrante until much later.  

I had started reading MBF in April and finally finished it.  It wasn't because I didn't like it, rather it was something I couldn't read in big gulps.  Even though I took little sips here and there for the past several months, it was an immersive reading experience. 

That being said, since I was slow to move on this book, my SIL got the rest of the quartet to her Mom this past Xmas.  So at least I'll get to borrow the rest when I'm ready!

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