Thursday, December 31, 2020

Year End Blurb

I'm quite pleased that I read 18 books this year.  My output has been steadily increasing since my low point in 2016. 

The 2020 pandemic certainly allowed me to read more, and I also bought quite a few new books (for myself as well as my daughter, who's turning out to be a fast reader like her Dad).

The vintage bookshelf inherited from my best friend/ex-roommate way back when has been in my daughter's room housing my on-deck (to-read) books which took up 2 out of 5 shelves.  

Her book collection has been growing so I got a couple of wall shelves by my desk, which is where most of my on-deck books now reside (the rest were relegate to the basement bookshelf).

Here is what they looked like in June:

I also joined a book club organized at my company.  Everything is done virtually via slack, Amazon and Zoom.  I made a suggestion to support a local bookstore, and I hope they consider it.

For 2021, I will set a realistic and hopefully achievable goal of reading a minimum of 21 books.

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